Kharma is slacking and making me Mad… Why am I letting it?

So I have been going along in my life, working on my goals and friendships. I try to be positive every day and focus on the good things. I have a tendency to be a little bit Pollyana-ish (well, more than a little). However, today I was led (by some unseen force) to check on an individual I’ve known for over 20 years. You should know, we aren’t friends anymore, although, we are intertwined by mutual friends and a past. I have no desire to be friends. I don’t particularly like this person. They are the type of person that if you can’t further their career or benefit them in some way, why bother? I have seen them be unfatithful to their spouse. I have seen them start a physical altercation and then blame the other person. I have seen them attempt to destroy a person’s reputation. I have seen them be rude, disrespectful and unapologetic for their behavior, as if it were completely acceptable to behave that way. Don’t get me wrong, I’m not perfect, far from it actually, but whenever I have behaved badly, I take responsibility and apologize, and I don’t try to destroy a person’s reputation. I heard that this person gave a half-assed apology to one of the people involved in the physical altercation, but took no responsibility for having started it in the first place. Lame.

Anyway, they chose to stop speaking to me because I didn’t support their version of a story, which was a lie. As a matter of fact, I haven’t spoke to this person in over 3 years, but for some reason, today I found it necessary to see what this person has been doing.

What I found is that they appear to be doing really well, and that… that made me angry. To this person, that I know for a fact, is not a good person and has done horrible things to people I care about, good things are happening. That part of me that hopes Kharma takes care of things got SOOO angry. What was Kharma doing? Why hadn’t they handled this? Negative should bring negative! I was venting and railing against them, feeling sick to my stomach that they are succeeding and seeing new people fall for the “charming” act – yes, an act. Why was this getting to me? Is it my envy, jealousy… frustration? The frustration that I, and others who are extremely talented and hard working, are struggling to be seen and be successful in our chosen field, while this individual is getting all kinds of accolades and recognition? The fire of rage was burning!

Then a friend posted this Meme.


It struck home. There was no reason for me to get angry at their success. I might still be struggling to find my place, along with those I know and find to be so talented who also deserve their place in the sun, like me, but it’s because it’s just not our time… yet. These little successes this individual has come across, they belong to them. I have to let go of the injustices they committed, hoping to see them fail, falling on their face, and focus on my own endeavors, and know I will succeed.

Maybe we’re conditioned to get angry… when we see an injustice of this kind. But it has no bearing on my life… not really. I’ll never forget what happened, I’m not built that way, but I don’t need to worry about it either. Whether or not Kharma ends up taking care of this is irrelevent. By the way, Kharma is not the universe’s way of giving payback, but is rather the draw of energy. When one puts out negative, they get negative and Vice Versa. I need to work harder, appreciate the people that matter, let go of the one’s who do not matter. Encourage and support those talented souls, and forget the drama… even the drama in my head.

I can’t imagine I would ever see or work with this person again, but if that day comes, I will deal with it. Be the bigger person and remember that they have no real affect on me or my life, other than how I allow them to affect my life. I have bigger fish to fry and I know my worth… and my heart. So thank you, Soul Sister, for posting that meme and making me see things clearly.

As Polonius said to Ophelia, “To thine own self be true.” He was right. I’ll leave it to Kharma… I’m sure it knows what it’s doing… I’ve got my own circus to worry about… and my own monkeys.

Read Today’s NEW Novel Loglines

I recently posted a Log line for my first novel here and it look slike a great way to promote your screenplay or book. Feel free to check it out!

WILDsound Writing Festival

DEADLINE September 15th: 1st CHAPTER/FULL NOVEL Festival. FULL FEEDBACK. Get novel performed by professional actors

Read Today’s Novel Loglines:

Title: Uncle MJ
Written by: Magdalena Stancheva
Type: Novel
Genre: Adventure

Title: Nyx, Shadow of Light
Written by: KM Novels, Kris Moore
Type: Novel
Genre: Fantasy, Young Adult, Adventure

Title: Rose of Crimson
Written by: Zrinka Jelic
Type: Novel
Genre: Paranormal romance

Written by: Andrea Adler
Type: Novel
Genre: Dramedy

Title: A Moment in the Sun
Written by: Tory Gates
Type: Novel
Genre: Young Adult, Crossover Fiction

Title: The Twins
Written by: R.G.Miller
Type: Novel
Genre: Thriller, Crime, Mystery

Title: The Traveling Man
Written by: Michael P. King
Type: Novel
Genre: Thriller

Title: The Gathering: book One of the Lia Fail Chronicles
Written by: S.L. Dearing
Type: Novel
Genre: Adventure, Fantasy, Family, Thriller, Romance

    * * * * *

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Here is my interview with S.L. Dearing

An interview with yours truly. Check what I had to tell Fiona McVie and read a chapter of one of my WIPs.



Name: Shannon Dearing (Pen Name: S.L. Dearing)

Age: 47

Where are you from: Los Angeles, California

A little about your self `ie your education Family life etc:

I was raised in Westlake Village, California and grew up in Phoenix, Arizona. I attended Cal Poly San Luis Obispo, and then spent several years studying at Los Angeles City College’s renowned Television/ Film program. I have worked on several film projects in many capacities: directing, writing, First Asst. Director, Craft Services, Etc. I have been writing since grade school, and over the years, I have written several screenplays, poems and short stories. I currently work in an administrative capacity in Century City when I’m not writing.

My first series (The Lia Fail Chronicles) has several books available at most retail outlets – The Gathering and From The Gathering to The Bridging. In addition, several of my short stories are currently available…

View original post 2,610 more words

Father’s Day… Five Years Later

Dad and Shan - 1969

It’s been five years since my dad left us… and when I say left us, he died. Some of you have read my post, “My Father, My Hero, ” which was written a few days after he left. Raw emotions left on the page from fresh wounds, and now five years later, they are scars.

They prickle and hurt from time to time, reminding me about how much I miss him. The sound of his voice, his laughter, his wisdom. I learned so much from him. Some things obvious, other things not so much.

He taught me how to laugh. Introducing me to comedy in all forms, and allowing me to make my own decisions. Enjoying food… now, maybe I enjoy food too much, but because of he and my mother making me try new foods, I have a diverse and demanding palate. I think more parents need to do this (just my humble opinion). He taught me to work hard in sports and academics. He taught me how to be creative when disciplining a child.

He gave me an older sister, different mom ;). We didn’t get to meet until we were adults, but she reminds me of him every day. We look like him. She plays drums like him. She has his wild streak. She in turn has given me a niece and nephew.

He was one half of my parents. He gave me the other half. He gave me my mother. He fell in love with my mom. She is exceptional. Talented, logical, and loving. My mother and I have had a bumpy ride, but we came out the other side. Today our relationship is stronger than ever.

Together they gave me my younger brother and sister. My Rocks. We share the same memories. We share moments that he was a part of. We have shared a life that he was an integral part of. My sister gave us a neice.

Earlier this year, my father-in-law left us. Such a  lovely man. So full of life, and joy. It was difficult to be around him and not smile or laugh. He loved to mock my American accent, introduce me to English foods. He would make jokes with his son, that only the two of them would get. He loved his wife and his children, and did for all of them.

Now, I get to help my husband through this diffcult time. Hold his hand, dry his tears and help him to move through the pain of missing his dad. Nothing can prepare you for the loss of a parent. My sister explained it best. We were a unit. Even though my parents were divorced, we were a unit, and now a piece of the unit is gone and it can’t be replaced. That is the best description.

I miss him every day. But I don’t cry every day now. Don’t get me wrong, I still have my “daddy days”, but they are fewer. Every once in a while, it hits me like a mack truck, and for a little while it’s the same as it was when we first left. But them I cry it out, and it’s okay for a while.

The mourning process never ends. That piece of you is missing. It will never be filled. Despite that, I carry him with me. I see him when I look in the mirror, or around my home. He is always in my heart. Thus, he is always with me.

I am so blessed to have had him for a father, and a best friend.

The Blank Page

We writers have one enemy… ourselves.

Within our minds lies the richest fields of imagination, yet, when stress and clutter and busy work come to play, the gates are closed adn locked. I’ve often been asked, “How do you find inspiration?”

Well, I often use music, re-read what I’ve written before, read something new, watching a documentary, learn about something historical. All of these things have inspired me. Bu thow do I clear away the clutter? The never ending list of “Things-to-Do”?

I’ve not been so successful with that. I often find myself overwhelmed with all the “things” I have to do. Cleaning, creating, organizing. I recently had my book re-edited and have not yet had the time to sit down and go through it. I’m trying to write a new book, and yet, nothing. I stare at the blank page and… nothing.

Writing isn’t always about having the idea… it’s also about executing it. Other writers say it’s a job. Well, yes it is. They say you just do it. Well, no, you don’t. If the words aren’t coming, they aren’t coming… and forcing them isn’t going to go well.

So, today I stared at this blank page. One I’ve been woefully neglecting, and decided to put out there what we all face as writers. Maybe I can kick start my creative brain, by creating some posts on my blog. Maybe… you never can tell, right?

Call to Arms – Book Marketing Results

This is a great blog and this post has all kinds of resources for authors

Nicholas C. Rossis

Following my Call to Arms, a number of you responded by sharing with me your book marketing experience. I now have about a hundred responses by some fifty authors. Although some of the responses were expected, there were quite a few surprises in there for me.


For anyone wishing to take a look at the raw data, you can download this Excel spreadsheet. I grouped the results according to whether the book was offered full-price, discounted or free. I also have a fourth category titled Other, that includes any entries where this was not specified.

To compare the various ad media, I came up with a number that represents the ratio between number of sales and cost of advertising. In other word, if you spent $1 and had one sale, then this number would be one. If you spent $1 and had two sales, the number would be two, etc.

View original post 801 more words

Bloodlines by S.L. Dearing – Cover Reveal


 Title: Bloodlines
Author: S.L. Dearing
Expected Publication Date: March 2, 2015
Available on Amazon, Free on Kindle Unlimited


When Sascha and Eduard Engle flee nazi occupied Germany and arrive at a
small cottage in the deep woods of France, they have no idea what is in
store for them or who the kindly old man is who is taking care of them.
But on a cold winter the night, they will learn everything about
their… Bloodlines.


The bright light of the moon shone through the little window above the bed of Sascha and Eduard Engel, illuminating the tiny room where they slept. Eduard breathed deeply, lost in the world of sleep as his sister lay quietly next to him. She stared at the sky through the glass, the tiny flakes of snow gently falling from heaven. She twirled an oval, bronze pendant in her fingers and smiled. She remembered her mother. Her mama had always told her that snow was God’s way of sending little pieces of heaven to his people on earth so they would remember Him. Sascha missed her.

Her mother had been gone for almost six weeks. The soldiers in the black and silver uniforms had taken her away. Mama had made them hide under the floors and told them to not make a sound. The soldiers broke through the door and Sascha remembered hearing the glass as it smashed against the wooden planks above her head. She closed her eyes, the tiny shards slipping through the spaces of the floorboards as they fell against her face. She heard her mother yelling at the soldiers and felt Eduard grasp her hand. Then she heard his voice. Sascha opened her eyes when she heard that voice. It was different from the others. She remembered how it cut into her soul like a knife through a potato. It hurt her. She had felt Eduard’s hand tighten. It must have hurt him too. The soldier argued with her mother and they began to yell. Suddenly, Sascha heard the smack and a great thud above her head. She saw her mother’s eye looking down at her for only a moment before it was yanked away.



Immortal Rising by Magen McMinimy – I say farewell to an amazing book series

So it is with a heavy heart that I bid adieu to one of my favorite book series.
I fell in love with the Fae warriors and have been privileged to be a part of their journey.
I’m not a book blogger or professional reviewer, just an author
and in this case, reader, who is sharing the final installment in a wonderful journey.
The beauty of having a series you love is you can read it over and over again.
And I will, for as bittersweet as this is, this book is amazing!

Rising-Release Banner

It’s Live!
Title: Immortal Rising
Series: Immortal Heart
Author: Magen McMinimy


When the Fates meddle, everything changes… All the things the warriors had come to accept, what they thought they knew, will be tested.

Death and loss have formed the man that Cree has become. One wrong move—one misstep in battle—and the love that once heated his soul was taken from him. While trying to find solace in his remaining family, he is haunted by dreams of a future he can’t reconcile. Awoken from one of those dreams, Cree finds himself wandering the Light Fae castle, when a familiar form appears in the silent halls of his home—nothing will ever be the same.

Confused, with no memory of herself or her life before the time she spent in the Immortal Three’s domain, Rowan is back among her people and struggling to unlock the memories that are just beyond her reach.

Pain and joy battle within the walls of the warriors home as they try to jog Rowan’s memory, while keeping her return a secret from everyone outside their inner circle. Meanwhile, Esperanza, now queen of the Dark Fae, schemes to take down the Fae she once called family with a secret weapon of her own.

Come get lost in love, longing, betrayal and passion in the final installment of the Immortal Heart series.


My Review
Here it is… the final installment of the Immortal Heart Series – Immortal Rising. I have been a huge fan of the Immortal Heart series for quite some time, and although I hate to see it end, I’m thrilled with how it does. With most series that have incredible characters and amazing story arcs, I hoped that the final book would surpass all the others. I was not disappointed.

McMinimy has given us the best book in the IH series with Immortal Rising. There are true moments of heartache, true love, loss, forgiveness, and revenge… all wrapped up in a beautiful package. The series has had it all. A paranormal romance, with adventure and intrigue. Rising brings us back to the beginning before ending in the most bittersweet farewell. I cried, I laughed… there were moments that made my stomach drop and my heart leap.

I once compared Magen McMinimy to Kresley Cole, but I have to amend that… I think she’s better than Kresley Cole. Her Immortal Heart Series is a fresh and innovative world in paranormal romance. She has created characters that you wish you knew and could just be a part of. For those of us who love this series, we are shattered that it’s ending, but I applaud an author who knows when it should end. Sometimes they go on too long, but with Immortal Rising it is the perfect ending.

Do yourself a favor and read this book… and if you have not yet read the series, start today… you won’t regret it. It is Amazing.

5 pink stars

Cover Reveal of Immortal Rising by My Friend, Magen McMinimy

May I proudly announce the new cover for the last book in
the Immortal Heart Series by Magen McMinimy.

Title: Immortal Rising

Series: Immortal Heart
Author: Magen McMinimy
Cover Design by Magen McMinimy
When the Fates meddle, everything changes… All the things the warriors had come to accept, what they thought they knew, will be tested.
Death and loss have formed the man that Cree has become. One wrong move—one misstep in battle—and the love that once heated his soul was taken from him. While trying to find solace in his remaining family, he is haunted by dreams of a future he can’t reconcile. Awoken from one of those dreams, Cree finds himself wandering the Light Fae castle, when a familiar form appears in the silent halls of his home—and nothing will ever be the same.
Confused, with no memory of herself or her life before the time she spent in the Immortal Three’s domain, Rowan is back among her people and struggling to unlock the memories that are just beyond her reach.
Pain and joy battle within the walls of the warriors’ home as they try to jog Rowan’s memory, while keeping her return a secret from everyone outside their inner circle. Meanwhile, Esperanza, now queen of the Dark Fae, schemes to take down the Fae she once called family, with a secret weapon of her own.

Come get lost in love, longing, betrayal, and passion in the final installment of the Immortal Heart series.

Pre-Order Immortal Rising at these Retailers



That’s not all!
Check out the new covers for the rest of the series

Immortal Blood |  Immortal Craving | Immortal Promise | Immortal Rapture | Immortal Awakening

Stalk Magen!  
She encourages it!

Cover Reveal – Winter Kiss: A Holiday Romance Collection

Title: Winter Kiss
A Holiday Romance Collection
S.L. Dearing | Magen McMinimy | Rene Folsom
Release Date: December 15th, 2014
Cover Design by Phycel Design


When the chill of winter drives you under the covers, snuggle up with this romantic collection of three steamy holiday inspired stories about hope, love and passion.

One Wish: A North American Pack & Half-Blood Princess Christmas by Magen McMinimy
In a forgotten mining town, deep in the Bitterroot Valley, the Montana faction of the North American Pack of werewolves prepares for the holidays. When an innocent wish and a powerful spell is cast, vampires, witches, and weres are forced together for one unforgettable night, causing everyone involved to reevaluate what is truly important and what is needed to make them whole.

The Wager: A Game Changer Prequel by Rene Folsom
You’d think the masks would come off once the ball drops at the New Year’s masquerade, but tossing caution to the wind, Liam and Maci decide to have a bit of fun by continuing to keep their faces hidden from each other during a night full of games and passion.
Get to know these two game-playing lovers before they even know each other in The Wager, a prequel to the new novel in the Playing Games series, Game Changer.

The Gift by S.L. Dearing
It’s been eight months since Kate and Matt met, fell head over heels, and moved in together. Now that the holidays are upon them, can they combine their two celebrations and families into one, or will an unexpected problem tear them apart?
From the imaginations of the authors behind Rising Indies United come stories of romance that are bound to fill you with holiday spirit.
**This collection is intended for readers 18 and older.**

Stalk the Authors of Winter Kiss

Add Winter Kiss to your TBR on Goodreads!